

For everything other than fanart, you can find it here. Hence the name.

Pumpkin Carvings
Updated once a year!

Jade's Shiny Pokemon   (Complete List)
A detailed page for my favorites, and a complete text list for my tradeable shinies.

Zelos: The Biography
Although outdated, it details the life and times of Zelos Wilder from the GCN game, Tales of Symphonia. WARNING: Major end-game spoilers for Tales of Symphonia. If you haven't played the game, consider saving this for later.

An organized collection of the hundreds of icons/avatars that I've made.

Lists all of the moodthemes that I have made.

Lists all of the wallpapers that I have made.

Link Me!
Banners to link back to Jade*Island.

My Other Sites

    Distant Horizon
An indepth fansite to the show Avatar: The Last Airbender.

    Distant Horizon Sprite Site
Hosts all of my Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra sprites.

    Avatar Pumpkin Carving Contest
My annual Avatar/Korra-themed pumpkin carving contest.

A fan-shrine & fanlisting to Navi and the other fairies from the Legend of Zelda series.

A mini-shrine and fanlisting for Haru from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

    Tales of a Jigglypuff Army
An unlikely challenge for the Pokemon games...

    Aether Beats
A fanlisting for the music of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.

    Musogato @ Tumblr
My artblog on Tumblr. Come check it out!

My main website for original works.